The Child Protector
Keeping Your children Out of the Middle of Divorce
Keeping Your children Out of the Middle of Divorce
Chapter 1: Conflict
1. Parental Conflict is Very Toxic to Children
2. Avoid Showing Anger
3. Contaminated Atmosphere Between Parents is Caused By:
a. Parents Do Not Accept Divorce; and
b. Children Are Not Built For Divorce
4. Getting Parents to Accept Divorce
5. Children’s Reaction to Divorce
6. Get Control of Your Anger
7. Grieving the Loss of a Relationship
Chapter 2: Communication
8. Effective Communication With the Other Parent
9. Communication – Check Out Facts With Other Parent
10. Communicate in a Business-Like Way
11. Explaining Parental Issues to Your Children
12. Communicate in Writing
13. Communication Tips
14. Keeping Secrets
Chapter 3: Parenting
15. Children Sometimes Reject a Parent
16. What Good Parenting Looks Like
17. Work With the Other Parent
18. Shared Parenting Plans Need Cooperation
19. Shared Parenting And Development
Chapter 4: Child Development
20. Children Age 0 – 24 Months
21. Children Age 2 – 4
22. Children Age 5 – 11
23. Adolescents
Chapter 5: Parenting Styles
24. How to Deal With Different Parenting Styles
25. Boundaries Between Spouses or Parents
26. Rules in the Other Home
27. Choose Your Battles Carefully
Chapter 6: You and Your Child
28. Your Children Are Not Your Confidante
29. Tell the Truth to Children
30. Speaking Negatively About the Other Parent
Chapter 7: Activities
31. Coordinating Children’s Activities
32. Be On Time
Chapter 8: New Partners
33. New Partners
Chapter 9: Moving On
34. The Importance of Fathers
35. There is No One Right Answer: Be Flexible
36. Moving On