BLESSED BE THE TIES THAT BIND OUR HEARTS IN ...FAMILY LOVE... We are saddened to hear of our family passing. We had always heard about Cuz Ettie, but never met her until we went to Grandma Nola's birthday celebration in 2019 in Wolverhampton, UK. What a wonderful time we had, meeting finally the family. All of you were all so loving and welcoming to me and Donny. Meeting Cuz Etti was a treat. It was good finally speaking with you all and her. We had heard a lot of good things about her and my mom (Linda Miller) had also confirmed it. We are sad because we had just met and now we have lost her. I praise the Most High for you all, because her memory lives in everyone of you. I will get to know more about her through your stories and laughter and songs you are sure she sung and things she had said and done for you. To her sons, may the peace that passeth all understanding rest forever in your hearts. Keep her memory alive and she will never be forgotten. God bless and keep you and family and all our relatives safe and protected forever in His care. Donny and I love you all. God bless. Hugzxx and Kizzezs.
Etty Anna Cameron
October 18, 1937 – January 13, 2022
This Service was LIVE at 1:30PM (MST) on January 29, 2022