For Tita Fe:
Until today I still remembered your question over the phone "Did you pray?" .I replied : Yes. You responded "Your prayers were answered. Come to the city now and prepares everything for your travel with me. My tears fell down because of mixed emotions. I worried a lot on my my journey but you give me much strengthen and support. You even give and allow to use your card and without hesitancy even the password. No one on this Earth can do that It's only YOU. You believe in my dreams, my convictions and my works. Thank you so much.
I've reached far. Soon I would opened my small library, children's interactive museum, accommodation for trainee because of convertible training center. You gave me so many ideas. You have full of wisdoms and you never stop sharing to me -from arts, current events particular mass media. Those act of humanity would be a wonderful gifts that I received from you. You been the reason why I have full of guts, courage and curiosity for this beautiful life. Straight from the heart that you so much for guiding my brother who was away from my home for almost 20 years. Your compassion and humility were my guide for my day to day living and my journey in life. Thank you for sharing your time and learning in life. I will keep you in my heart.
wrote on December 31, 2021
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