I first met Jeremy at Teen Challenge in April 2012, he had been there a while, I showed up skinny, hair down to my waist, broken, scared then from around the corner this burst of energy, laughing with Seamus by his side, one look at me and he came over, hugged me and said that :you're in the right place : our bond began then, his encouragement, love, and zeal for God and life helped to keep me from relapse and certain death. I had hoped he might join me in ministry in the Philippines and after in Vietnam but it never happened, life, success, distance, a new relationship kept us apart physically, but our friendship flourished, he here, I in Asia, our love of God, life , adventure and love which kept my love for Jeremy alive, vibrant. His vitality, encouragement in the best and worst of days, I'll never forget, I love you Jeremy, and I'll be seeing you soon in paradise
Jeremy Ray
March 15, 1989 – Oct 11, 2021
This Service was LIVE at 1pm on October 21, 2021